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106 articles
Coronation Hill revisited
Coronation Hill revisited
September 9, 2024by Gary Johns

Greens manipulating Blacks is how I remember Coronation Hill, my introduction to Aboriginal politics and the environmentalists who used them. I was a backbencher in the Hawke government. I was so angry at the cabinet’s decision to prevent the mine from reopening...

New Muslim political groups are just “Teals in Hijabs”: Katherine Deves
New Muslim political groups are just “Teals in Hijabs”: Katherine Deves
September 6, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

ADH TV host Katherine Deves has branded the growing movement of Muslim-based political groups “Teals in Hijabs”. ...

Albo’s Census
Albo’s Census
September 6, 2024by Gary Johns

The Prime Minister has intervened on the issue of questions to be trialled for the 2026 Census. The Green/Left Labor faction (and the very liberal Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg) insisted that the Census include questions on ‘gender identity, variations of sex characteristics...

August 30, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Some things tell you plenty about the ABC. ...

Note to the Coalition: look to Sweden
Note to the Coalition: look to Sweden
August 28, 2024by Gary Johns

Social Democrats and Greens have long ruled Sweden. A consequence is that unfettered and unfiltered immigration has almost destroyed the country. When ASIO chief Mike Burgess is comfortable letting through supporters of Hamas, it is time to call time on unfettered and...

Chris Smith Tonight: Australia - More Visas From Palestine in 10 Months Than The US in 20 years
Chris Smith Tonight: Australia - More Visas From Palestine in 10 Months Than The US in 20 years
August 23, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Australia has granted more visa applications for residents of Gaza in 10 months than the US has granted in twenty years – but it’s ‘racist’ to question why. ...

Poverty lines and other distractions
Poverty lines and other distractions
August 21, 2024by Gary Johns

The poverty lobby is at it again. Even though the massive expansion of the welfare state has diminished the stressors of poverty, the Brotherhood of St Laurence complains there is no official poverty line 50 years after Australia’s Commission of Inquiry into...

Could Kamala do a Jacinda?
Could Kamala do a Jacinda?
August 13, 2024by Gary Johns

Charlie Spiering wrote in Amateur Hour, ‘I was surprised to learn how few Democrats even like [Kamala] Harris, let alone respect her.’ That does not mean Harris cannot win the US presidential election in November. According to the FiveThirtyEight poll average on...

Renewable slave trade
Renewable slave trade
August 6, 2024by Gary Johns

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, the worst forms of child labour, forced labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services. The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) introduced reporting requirements for larger companies operating in Australia to assess the risks of modern slavery...

Thought for the Day
Thought for the Day
July 31, 2024by Alan Jones

Last weekend in a random conversation, a very good friend, in the company of other Alan Jones listeners and supporters, said that now that I have been off air for medical reasons, she always asked herself what would Alan say about this....

Kamala Harris: Trojan Horse
Kamala Harris: Trojan Horse
July 31, 2024by Daisy Cousens

After the assassination attempt of former US President Donald Trump, I thought it would take a meteor hitting the earth to eclipse that from the news cycle. It turns out, however, all that was needed was for current President Joe Biden to...

Multicultural Mayhem
Multicultural Mayhem
July 29, 2024by Gary Johns

To include or not to include, that is the question. Until the 1970s, the expectation was that migrants would fit in. Since then, the expectation has been that they need not. What started as avowedly assimilationist post-WWII shifted to integration in the...

Olympics, An Extreme Sport
Olympics, An Extreme Sport
July 22, 2024by Gary Johns

Overblown to buggery is how one might describe the Paris Olympics, which commence on 26 July. There are 45 sports, including five new sports, such as break dancing and kayak cross. There were 241 athletes (all men) and 43 events in Athens...

Long Live Donald J Trump
Long Live Donald J Trump
July 22, 2024by Daisy Cousens

It is an election year in the USA, and while American politics is notoriously theatrical, it’s not often that about a year’s worth of big election news happens within less than a fortnight. While the withdrawal of President Joe Biden from the...

The Muslim Vote
The Muslim Vote
July 21, 2024by Daisy Cousens

The issue of mass Muslim migration to Europe and the UK has been brewing for decades. It has resulted not only in an increased danger for women in the form of the European rape crisis, but a steady cultural shift in certain...

Swap: Native Title For Scholarships
Swap: Native Title For Scholarships
July 18, 2024by Gary Johns

Professor Megan Davis, who was on the losing side in the Voice referendum, was indulged by the University of Queensland to lecture on why she lost. She showed no contrition, blaming others for the loss. She did so in a letter to...

Immigration and Elections
Immigration and Elections
July 14, 2024by Daisy Cousens

It is an election year in the United States of America, and former president Donald Trump has been back in action on the campaign trail post-presidential debate. He held a characteristically high-energy rally in Florida, where, in a wholesome turn of events,...

Feminists touting terror
Feminists touting terror
July 12, 2024by Gary Johns

Senator Fatima Payman, a supporter of unconditional Palestinian statehood who returned on the weekend to a hero’s welcome from Middle Eastern central casting assembled at Perth airport, has jumped ship from Labor. A section of the Muslim community is running candidates at...

Crooks Dip Into The Climate Bucket
Crooks Dip Into The Climate Bucket
July 2, 2024by Gary Johns

The World Bank is to spend 45 per cent of its budget on climate change, more than $40 billion annually. Bjorn Lomborg has described raiding development funding for climate spending as an ‘abysmal’ decision. These funds for climate change abatement and adaptation...

ABC Pay Rises As Commercial Media Jobs Are Cut
ABC Pay Rises As Commercial Media Jobs Are Cut
June 28, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

The Australian media industry is falling to pieces with mass sackings but meanwhile, the ABC gives itself a payrise. ...

Doctors For The Environment
Doctors For The Environment
June 17, 2024by Gary Johns

Irksome is how to describe Doctors for the Environment Australia best. Hundreds of their members recently signed a full-page advertisement in the press, which announced that ‘coal, oil and gas are hazardous to our health and well being ... we must put...

 Engineering Solutions For Israel
Engineering Solutions For Israel
June 10, 2024by Gary Johns

There are two mega engineering projects for canals that would have significant implications for Israel and the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank. Israel’s ...

Power Plays: NSW's Energy Policy Shaped By Corporate Manoeuvring
Power Plays: NSW's Energy Policy Shaped By Corporate Manoeuvring
June 3, 2024by Nick Spencer

If there’s something I can agree with the NSW Labor Government on, it’s that privatisation doesn’t make much sense when it comes to the energy sector....

How About Divesting In Universities?
How About Divesting In Universities?
June 3, 2024by Gary Johns

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to cut one in eight university degrees and divert funds to apprenticeships. This sounds good to me. It raises the question of whether Australia has oversubscribed to university education....

ABC ‘sick and perverted’.
ABC ‘sick and perverted’.
May 31, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

The ABC is a sick and perverted organisation run by weak and grossly out-of-touch managers....

Lost your coal job? TOO BAD!
Lost your coal job? TOO BAD!
May 30, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

‘Too bad!’ was the message from both the Albanese and NSW governments this week, as they released pathetic plans to assist coal workers during the net-zero transition....

Humiliated; Comedian fails 'To Get' Gina
Humiliated; Comedian fails 'To Get' Gina
May 29, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Idiot who tried to embarrass Gina humiliates himself. ...

The Democrats Doom Loop
The Democrats Doom Loop
May 29, 2024by Peggy Grande

The strategy for Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is like spaghetti being thrown against the wall, seeing if any noodles stick. Rather than running a traditional campaign in which the candidate formulates a vision for the nation and then goes coast to coast...

The New Imperialism
The New Imperialism
May 29, 2024by Gary Johns

There is a new imperialism afoot, and the West is paying for it. Think of the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, the World Health Organisation, and all the human rights bodies hanging off the United Nations behemoth....

Why “Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body” Is A Feminist Statement
Why “Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body” Is A Feminist Statement
May 29, 2024by Daisy Cousens

If ever women are kicked out of politics, it won’t be because misogynistic males stage a revolution to chain all women to their kitchen sinks. It will because certain women in politics become so hysterical it becomes unbearable to have them around....

Red Unions
Red Unions
May 27, 2024by Gary Johns

Graeme Haycroft celebrated the tenth anniversary of ...

1 Million Homes To Pay Extra Because They Have Solar
1 Million Homes To Pay Extra Because They Have Solar
May 16, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

We are witnessing the unravelling of the great solar panel con. ...

A Test of Character
A Test of Character
May 14, 2024by Gary Johns

According to the ...

Digital ID will be ‘Mandatory’
Digital ID will be ‘Mandatory’
May 14, 2024by Daisy Cousens

Australia is a brave new world since the covid years. Although there were scores of politicians, bureaucrats, and CEOs here and across the world who expressed their concern and grief at the effects of the pandemic, sensible people realise that secretly, many...

Elon Musk Shames E-Karen And The Australian Media
Elon Musk Shames E-Karen And The Australian Media
May 13, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Dear Australia and the world,...

Budgeting For Even More Migrants
Budgeting For Even More Migrants
May 10, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Albanese Labor wants to cut immigration from ‘far too many’ down to ‘still too many’....

Clarity and Courage vs. Chaos and Cowardice
Clarity and Courage vs. Chaos and Cowardice
May 8, 2024by Peggy Grande

The chaos we see taking place on college campuses across America is sad, scary, and entirely unacceptable. It also is unnecessary and has been caused by Joe Biden, his weakness, and the unwillingness of his administration to make necessary decisions and firm...

The Media Creates the Very Division They Criticize
The Media Creates the Very Division They Criticize
May 8, 2024by Peggy Grande

The ritzy White House Correspondents’ Dinner last week confirmed everything we already knew about the mainstream, left-learning, right-loathing media. Their annual black tie dinner claims to promote excellence in journalism and education and is held annually to award scholarships to young reporters,...

Hydrogen Bombed
Hydrogen Bombed
May 8, 2024by Gary Johns

Prime Minister Albanese has promised $1 billion of your money to manufacture solar panels in Australia that you could buy at a fraction of the price from China. This is at a time when subsidies for solar panels will decline because the...

The ‘Trump’ Card: Joe Biden
The ‘Trump’ Card: Joe Biden
April 30, 2024by Peggy Grande

In 2020 when Donald Trump was running for President, many believe that if he had said less, tweeted with more discipline, and not been so personal with his verbal attacks on others, he would have returned to the Oval Office for another...

Don’t Blame the Victim, Hire a Woke Commissioner
Don’t Blame the Victim, Hire a Woke Commissioner
April 30, 2024by Gary Johns

Tragically, a 15-year-old Aboriginal boy was recently killed in a car crash in Canberra. The boy was ‘cognitively impaired’ and had escaped from out-of-home care. The teen’s family claims, ‘the system failed him’. How did this happen in Woke City?...

 Labor’s Green Pipedream
Labor’s Green Pipedream
April 30, 2024by Nick Spencer

As initially seen with their haphazard campaign to implement an Indigenous Voice to Parliament in 2023, it has become clear that the incumbent ALP government’s legacy upon its departure from office will be characterised by no shortage of rhetoric but ultimately a...

Elon Musk or Albanese. Who do you trust more?
Elon Musk or Albanese. Who do you trust more?
April 23, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

It comes down to this - who do you trust more Anthony Albanese or Elon Musk?...

Aboriginal Maths
Aboriginal Maths
April 22, 2024by Gary Johns

Will Aboriginal mathematics save Aboriginal people? Some think so. For example, Professor Rowena Ball from the ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute argues, ‘Students of … colonised peoples are starting to be more critical about accepting unquestioningly the cultural hegemony of mainstream European-based mathematics.’...

The ABC: a $1.1B indulgence.
The ABC: a $1.1B indulgence.
April 19, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Is there anything the ABC management can get right?...

What’s it going to take Australia?
What’s it going to take Australia?
April 17, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Radical Islam and a civilised, peaceful society don’t mix. ...

Transgender Pathology
Transgender Pathology
April 16, 2024by Gary Johns


Why Labor Is Rewarding the Hamas Terrorists
Why Labor Is Rewarding the Hamas Terrorists
April 10, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Does Anthony Albanese seriously want to reward Hamas for its horrific terrorism on Israel?...

Four Presidents Converged on the Empire State Last Week, but Only One Mattered
Four Presidents Converged on the Empire State Last Week, but Only One Mattered
April 10, 2024by Peggy Grande

There have been two defining moments thus far in the 2024 US Presidential election cycle which I’m sure the Democrats wish they could retract. But they can’t. They revealed themselves in the most transparent, and loathsome way. Voters won’t forget....

2024: The Greatest Taxing Year Ever
2024: The Greatest Taxing Year Ever
April 9, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Never in the history of this country have we paid more in tax....

Note to the GG – Ditch the Separatist Ideology!
Note to the GG – Ditch the Separatist Ideology!
April 9, 2024by Gary Johns

Governor General designate Sam Mostyn made her reputation, among other things, in human resources, now known as people and culture. The inimitable Janet Albrechtsen crowned her queen of quotas for the number of times she took a board role as the designated...

Britain’s Happy Warrior
Britain’s Happy Warrior
April 9, 2024by Peggy Grande

When I received an invitation to attend Nigel Farage’s 60th birthday party in London, I knew it would be a “don’t miss” event. The invitation had a cartoon drawing of Nigel, grinning widely, holding up a “pint”. The words were simply, “Please...

Crucifying Freedom of Education
Crucifying Freedom of Education
April 9, 2024by Lyle Shelton

Radical politicians have launched the biggest coordinated public attack on the rights of parents and religious freedom in Australia’s history....

Men Dominate Women’s Football
Men Dominate Women’s Football
April 3, 2024by Kirralie Smith

A women’s soccer competition has been won by a team in which five players are transgender....

Partners In Crime NDIS: and Home-Schooling
Partners In Crime NDIS: and Home-Schooling
April 2, 2024by Gary Johns

Let me take you into the world of bad parenting and home-schooling, doctor shopping for an NDIS diagnosis, and children suffering....

Chris Bowen: "a visionary"
Chris Bowen: "a visionary"
March 28, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

You’ve heard it all now … Anthony Albanese thinks Chris Bowen is a visionary....

Woke Rector says Church Homophobic and Misogynistic
Woke Rector says Church Homophobic and Misogynistic
March 27, 2024by Calvin Robinson

The Archbishop of Canterbury denounced at General Synod – the governing body of the Church of England – that the Church is institutionally racist. As a result, the state Church set aside £100m for reparations, and recent conversations suggest it may be...

The Scandal of the 3G Mobile Shutdown
The Scandal of the 3G Mobile Shutdown
March 26, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

For large swathes of Australia the countdown is on to lose almost all mobile phone coverage – and just about no-one in Canberra seems to care. ...

The Left Focuses on Rhetoric, Not Results
The Left Focuses on Rhetoric, Not Results
March 26, 2024by Peggy Grande

Paul Kelly recently asked in The Australian, “Who Do You Believe: Tony Abbott or Donald Trump?” I believe both – but I do not believe Paul Kelly. He is wrong in his analysis of Donald Trump being a threat to both America...

The Great Divide
The Great Divide
March 25, 2024by Gary Johns

There are more Greens voters east of the Great Dividing Range than all voters west of it. Greens oppose irrigation and land clearing and promote the roll-out of renewables. People living east of the Great Divide bear some of the cost of...

Inside Twiggy Forrest's Renewable Disaster
Inside Twiggy Forrest's Renewable Disaster
March 22, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

ADH TV has received exclusive footage of the Clarke Creek wind farm in Queensland, called 'The largest renewable development in the southern hemisphere'. The video, revealed on Nick Cater's ...

Retiree Renters are the Silent Victims of the Housing Crisis
Retiree Renters are the Silent Victims of the Housing Crisis
March 22, 2024by James Mathias

The housing crisis affects not just young people....

What the Hell Is Paul Keating up To?
What the Hell Is Paul Keating up To?
March 21, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Picture: Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs....

GASP! The Christians are Voting!
GASP! The Christians are Voting!
March 21, 2024by Dave Pellowe

IT’S ELECTION WEEK in Tasmania, and former leader of the Australian Greens, Christine Milne, is clutching her pearls at the prospect of authentic Christians having a vote and a democratic voice in her home state of Tasmania....

The Cruelty of the Great Covid Divide
The Cruelty of the Great Covid Divide
March 20, 2024by Melinda Richards

How two people from opposite sides of the pandemic became friends, and realised that division is tyranny’s greatest weapon. By Melinda Richards. ...

Will Wayward Haley Voters Find Their Way Home?
Will Wayward Haley Voters Find Their Way Home?
March 20, 2024by Peggy Grande

Teenagers often go through a phase of self-discovery, which typically presents as rebellion. Usually it involves looking at their parents, declaring they have everything wrong, and vowing to blaze their own trail. That brave path eventually collides with reality when they begin...

Queensland anti-woke wave swamps Labor/Greens
Queensland anti-woke wave swamps Labor/Greens
March 20, 2024by Gary Hardgrave

Most Queenslanders are practical people and they have a great bull dust detector most every time they vote....

Britain’s New Ethnic Leaders
Britain’s New Ethnic Leaders
March 19, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

The odds of the highest political offices of the British Isles being occupied by people of non-traditional ethnicity are long. So how did this happen, and why are traditional Poms being left out? ...

Trump Was Right About Haiti
Trump Was Right About Haiti
March 15, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

A cannibal now rules in Port-au-Prince, a man named Jimmy Cherisier, or as he is known to locals, ‘Barbecue’. Barbecue is seemingly the last-standing political figure in Haiti, as gangs run Prime Minister Ariel Henry out of the country, stage a prison...

Four Year Terms = More ‘Chris Bowens'
Four Year Terms = More ‘Chris Bowens'
March 15, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Politicians across the divide are pushing for longer Federal terms....

Long Covid's Long Good Bye
Long Covid's Long Good Bye
March 15, 2024by Fred Pawle

One of the last surviving Covid myths has been dealt a serious blow. ...

ABC Radio and TV Suffers a Major Ratings Flop. What’s It Going To Take?
ABC Radio and TV Suffers a Major Ratings Flop. What’s It Going To Take?
March 14, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

The ABC yet again tanks in the ratings in every market on radio and TV – and they just can’t work out why. ...

Stop the Culture of Spin
Stop the Culture of Spin
March 13, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

NSW Police Commissioner sacks another spin doctor but the problem is a culture of talking in riddles to the public and people have had enough. ...

Schools Took the Children Away
Schools Took the Children Away
March 11, 2024by Fred Pawle

We are in the middle of another Stolen Generation – only this time it involves millions of children and the consequences will be catastrophic....

Labor’s Secret Tax on Living Costs.
Labor’s Secret Tax on Living Costs.
March 8, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

Governments always have their secret agendas but this one is frightening. ...

Welcome to the Inclusive Nightmare
Welcome to the Inclusive Nightmare
March 7, 2024by Fred Pawle

Australians governments are spending fortunes on domestic security while brazenly allowing threats to increase, says Fred Pawle....

“Like a scene from Game of Thrones”: Protestors attack Abbott & Kisin event
“Like a scene from Game of Thrones”: Protestors attack Abbott & Kisin event
March 6, 2024by ADH Staff Writer

ADH TV cameras captured the moment that protesters at Sydney University attempted to bang down the doors at an event held by the university's Conservative Club. The agitators were protesting the presence of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott and British social commentator...

Australia Needs Royal Commission Into Misuse Of Government Power
Australia Needs Royal Commission Into Misuse Of Government Power
August 19, 2022by Nick Cater

Anthony Albanese rolled out his strategy to win a second term this week. Sadly, it won’t include a credible response to inflation, rising mortgage rates, soaring power prices or anything else that’s being anxiously felt around kitchen tables across the country....

Boris Johnson’s Desire To Be Popular Lost Conservative Base
Boris Johnson’s Desire To Be Popular Lost Conservative Base
July 14, 2022by Nick Cater

Boris Johnson’s political death should have happened a decade ago when, as London Mayor, he agreed to take part in a stunt from which any other politician would have fled....

Can Men Really Give Birth?
Can Men Really Give Birth?
July 8, 2022by Lyle Shelton

Stories about “men” giving birth are becoming passé, despite their inherent untruth. We are either no longer shocked or we are simply fatigued....

Nick Kyrgios’ Endless Bummer
Nick Kyrgios’ Endless Bummer
July 7, 2022by Fred Pawle

You might have missed it, but professional surfer Mikey Wright released a new surfboard model this week. It’s called the ‘Schooner’, and is made by JS Industries of Queensland, one of Australia’s top manufacturers....

Denying Young Australians A Stake
Denying Young Australians A Stake
July 6, 2022by Fred Pawle

Our schools teach children that their country has been a hotbed of racism, misogyny, homophobia and environmental destruction ever since it was founded by colonial tyrants 244 years ago....

The Anti-australian Behaviour Of Bandt And Thorpe
The Anti-australian Behaviour Of Bandt And Thorpe
June 24, 2022by Bella d'Abrera

Why anybody is surprised that Senator Lidia Thorpe’s admission that she became a senator to “infiltrate the colonial project” is, in itself, surprising. The same goes for the reaction to Adam Bandt’s refusal to stand in front of the Australian flag at...

Biggest Loser From Federal Election Is The Hapless Taxpayer
Biggest Loser From Federal Election Is The Hapless Taxpayer
June 23, 2022by Michael Yabsley

In the inevitable and badly needed federal election post-mortem, the most repeated cliché seems to be that all the players lost – except for the Teals and the Greens. Let’s put all the parties and candidates to one side and have a...

Electoral System More Open To Fraud Than Any Comparable Country
Electoral System More Open To Fraud Than Any Comparable Country
June 9, 2022by David Flint

Despite talk about integrity, Anthony Albanese should remember he would not be Prime Minister but for the fact that, alone among comparable countries, Australia has not only one of the most perverse and complicated electoral systems, but also one more open to...

How The Nsw Liberals And Nationals Went Woke (Part I)
How The Nsw Liberals And Nationals Went Woke (Part I)
June 2, 2022by Mark Latham

While the Liberal Party agonises over the loss of seven Federal seats to Teal independents, a bigger question is being overlooked....

Major Parties And Their Media Allies Let Australia Down
Major Parties And Their Media Allies Let Australia Down
May 30, 2022by Mark Latham

What a strange outcome the election was. I thought Scott Morrison might hang on, mainly because the Australian people wouldn’t elect the error-prone, bumbling Anthony Albanese. But Albo’s errors made little difference. ...

Australia’s Potemkin Election
Australia’s Potemkin Election
May 25, 2022by Rebecca Weisser

Mick Mulvaney, adviser to former President Donald Trump, says he thinks the Covid lockdowns in America will go down in history as “one of the worst mistakes of the 21st century”. Lockdowns, masks, early treatment and the safety and efficacy of vaccines...

You Can’t Support Women if You Can’t Define a ‘Woman’
You Can’t Support Women if You Can’t Define a ‘Woman’
May 22, 2022by Bella d'Abrera

The fact that one of the key election issues of 2022 was whether biological males who identify as female should be allowed to compete against biological females in sport is a warning that something is severely amiss in Australian society. What is...

Will Australia Get Its Own Ministry of Truth?
Will Australia Get Its Own Ministry of Truth?
May 19, 2022by Prof. James Allan

There is a values vacuum at the heart of the Morrison Government. But first, let’s start in the US. The Biden Administration has created a Disinformation Governance Board. Its stated goal is, I kid you not, ‘to combat misinformation ahead of the...

Can Katherine Deves Win Warringah?
Can Katherine Deves Win Warringah?
May 18, 2022by Nick Cater

We probably wouldn’t be talking about transgender rights in this election if the campaign managers had their way. The fault-line in this polarised debate does not run along neat party lines and discussion is not easily controlled.  Nevertheless, the question “what...

How Taxpayers Are Ripped off To Pay for Elections (Part I)
How Taxpayers Are Ripped off To Pay for Elections (Part I)
May 14, 2022by Michael Yabsley

Ever since Peter Costello excoriated Ros Kelly, the then Minister for Sport in the Keating Government in 1993-94 for so called ‘Sports Rorts’, the scrutiny of public funding of government projects in Australia has never been the same. ...

Green Liberals Re-engineering Morrison’s Policy Agenda
Green Liberals Re-engineering Morrison’s Policy Agenda
May 10, 2022by Mark Latham

The first one of these statements is well known. ...

Green Liberals Re-Engineering Morrison’s Policy Agenda
Green Liberals Re-Engineering Morrison’s Policy Agenda
May 10, 2022by Mark Latham

The first one of these statements is well known. ...

Government Hands Out Taxpayer-funded Appointments
Government Hands Out Taxpayer-funded Appointments
May 4, 2022by Alan Jones

All governments do it but in no way that validates what is done....

Quiet Australians Overwhelmingly Support Katherine Deves
Quiet Australians Overwhelmingly Support Katherine Deves
April 20, 2022by Alan Jones

Almost every day, millions of Australians must ask if the Australia we once knew is gone forever; if what is called, the fabric of Australian society, isn’t being ripped to shreds....

Easter A Time For Hope
Easter A Time For Hope
April 14, 2022by Alan Jones

Tomorrow is Good Friday....

‘this Was Pure, Unadulterated Ignorance’: Albanese Gaffe
‘this Was Pure, Unadulterated Ignorance’: Albanese Gaffe
April 8, 2022by Alan Jones

Whole forests have most probably been cut down to write about the bizarre performance of Anthony Albanese on the opening day of the election campaign....

Can The Wallabies Beat “new England”?
Can The Wallabies Beat “new England”?
April 7, 2022by Alan Jones

The Australian sporting story of the week has to be the extraordinarily dominant victory by the Australian Women’s Cricket team in the final of the World Cup....

Give Health Workers The Pay-rise They Deserve
Give Health Workers The Pay-rise They Deserve
April 7, 2022by Alan Jones

There is no doubt that the Liberal Party in NSW is in disarray....

Changes To National Curriculum Long Overdue
Changes To National Curriculum Long Overdue
April 4, 2022by Alan Jones

Australians are familiar with people marching in the streets over climate change, black lives matter and teachers’ salaries; but I wonder when parents are going to start marching in the streets over what is essentially a failed education system; and government is...

Budget Largely Ignores Aged Care and Housing Affordability
Budget Largely Ignores Aged Care and Housing Affordability
March 31, 2022by Alan Jones

In a normal year, it would be called Budget Week; but, in reality, it is Election Week and everything in what Josh Frydenberg said on Tuesday night and what Anthony Albanese will say tonight is focused not on you or me or...

Is This Democracy?
Is This Democracy?
March 30, 2022by Alan Jones

An interesting result at the South Australian election....

Kitching Treated Poorly by Labor
Kitching Treated Poorly by Labor
March 16, 2022by Alan Jones

Next Monday, March 21, at St Patrick’s Cathedral, East Melbourne, overwhelming sadness will meet the hypocrisy of the Labor Party head-on....

Antisemitic Graffiti Exposes Fragile State Of Our Democracy
Antisemitic Graffiti Exposes Fragile State Of Our Democracy
January 4, 2022by Alan Jones

It is federal election time and we will approve of some candidates and disapprove of others....

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